Is My Cat Pregnant?

How can I tell if my cat is pregnant?

Mother Cat and Kittens

If your female cat is NOT spayed and she is allowed outdoors, chances are very high she is or will become pregnant. Please have your cat spayed (males -neutered). 

Only your veterinarian can determine for sure if she’s pregnant.

But here are some signs of a pregnant cat:

>During the first 3 weeks of pregnancy, you won’t notice anything then after that timeframe, check her nipples as they should become pinker. From that moment it will take six weeks before the kittens arrive.

>Pregnant queens (as they are called) become more quiet and loving.

>They sleep more and are not interested in male cats.

>Heat cycles stop.

>An obvious sign is an enlarging belly area and you might be able to feel the babies.

Big Questions for YOU: Did you want your cat to get pregnant? Are you ready for a household of baby kittens? Is your cat a stray and you fear she could be pregnant? Did you know that depending on certain factors, if your cat is really pregnant, you can end the pregnancy?

Some things to think about:

>Early and mid-term spay and abortion of pregnant cats is common. Later term abortion is not normally done.

>A pregnant young cat (under one year) or an older cat (eight years and older) may have a hard time giving birth. Deformed or stillborn kittens could be a result or possibly the death of the mother cat.

>If the pregnant cat is in good physical condition and it’s late-term in her pregnancy, you may choose to just let her have the kittens and decide later about a future spaying and finding homes for the new kittens if you don’t want to keep them.

>Taking care of newborn kittens is a responsibility and a commitment. Is your house set up or could it be arranged to help care for the babies? A safe room is highly suggested to keep the mother and kittens away from other pets and children. 

>If you have a house big enough for more cats and can financially afford these new kittens, great for you! Just don’t forget the extra responsibility, time, products, and expenses those little furry bundles of joy amount to.

>If you have no interest in dealing with baby kittens, and the pregnant cat is early to mid-term and in decent health, call your veterinarian and schedule a spaying which will include removal of the fetuses.

>It is extremely difficult to find new homes for cats and kittens…so keep that in mind if you choose to let her have the babies and plan on giving them away. “Free kittens” does NOT equal instant new homes.

To find low-cost spay/neuter services near you call SPAY/USA at 1-800-248 SPAY or visit
