Declawing a Cat

Information about Cat Declawing

Holding Cat Paw to Extend Nails

Please consider these reasons to NOT have your cat declawed:

>Declawing is NOT like having a major nail trimming. And it’s even more involved than removing a portion of a claw. Declawing is a surgical amputation of the first joint of the cat’s toes. It is major surgery.

>Declawing doesn’t benefit the cat…it only benefits the owner. Unlike spaying or neutering, which does benefit the cat’s health and improve behavior, declawing does nothing to help the cat.

>Declawing takes away a cat’s main weapon of defense. Indoor cats sometimes escape. A declawed cat will have a tough time protecting herself against dogs or other cats.

>Declawing is painful. Pain meds help, but a “phantom pain” could last for months.

>Declawed cats may have pain using a litter box when they dig in the litter. They could relate the litter box to causing the pain and stop using it, and run off to potty on your carpet instead.

>Without their claws to reach out and scratch as a warning sign, they’ll tend to bite instead.

>Claws help to exercise and tone their bodies as they grab at the carpet or scratching post to stretch their muscles.

>Removing the first joint of the cat’s toes can change the way they walk – altering their gait. This can cause joint problems and even arthritis.

You have a choice – to declaw your cat or let her keep her complete toes and nails. Please consider what you’ve read about the negative effects of declawing and how important it is for the cat’s needs to keep her claws. There are other options to experiment with if you’re concerned about her scratching furniture and climbing the curtains. Buy a scratching post or scratching pad, and maybe more than one if your cat is wanting to claw at furniture.

Declawing is permanent.

Read about cat behavior and scratching problems here.
